Bhagirath Views

The London Musings

Saturday, February 2, 2019

एउटा ऐतिहासिक यात्रा

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५० वर्षअघि नेपाल आएको ब्रिटिश चिकित्सक र नर्सहरूको समूहको सम्झना

ब्रिटिश चिकित्सक र नर्स सम्मिलित ११ जनाको टोलीसाँचो अर्थमै त्यो एउटा ऐतिहासिक यात्रा थियो।
पचास वर्षअघि सन् १९६८ को एप्रिल महिनामा ब्रिटिश चिकित्सक र नर्स सम्मिलित ११ जनाको एउटा टोली सेता ल्यान्ड रोभर जीप चढेर ब्रिटेनको दक्षिणी सीमासम्म पुग्यो।
ती जीपलाई फ्रान्स पुर्‍याइयो। त्यहाँबाट तिनै जीप चढेर सो टोली स्थलमार्ग हुँदै नेपालतिर हिँड्यो।
स्थलमार्गबाट किन त?
सो यात्रामा सहभागी डक्टर बार्नी रोस्डेलका अनुसार आर्थिक कारणले गर्दा स्थलमार्ग रोजिएको थियो।
तीनवटा गाडी लिएर नेपाल जाँदा ६०० पौन्ड खर्चले पुग्थ्यो भने पानीजहाज प्रयोग गर्दा २,००० पौन्ड लाग्थ्यो।
यात्रा युरोपबाट इस्तान्बुल र बोस्फरस हुँदै एशियातिर अघि बढ्यो।
थप यो लिङ्कमा

Friday, February 1, 2019

Getting back on track

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Perpetual delays in legislation and implementation on road safety will cost more lives

Bhagirath Yogi
Jan 20, 2019-
Pradip Ghimire, 31, was one of the much-sought-after teachers in Dang. After completing an MSc in Botany from Tribhuvan University five years ago, Pradip returned to his home district to work as a teacher. As there were very few teachers who were qualified to teach Botany, Pradip was teaching at nine different colleges in the district.
On 21st December, 37 people including, 32 students of the Ghorahi-based Krishna Sen Ichhuk Technical School, were returning to Ghorahi after a tour of a botanic garden at Kapurkot in Salyan district. 23 of them—mostly teachers and students—died when the bus they were travelling in fell off the road. The driver of the vehicle was among the deceased.
To read the full article, pls go to....